Girls' Golf

Welcome to Golf!!

Coach Smith, Coach Kelly and myself are so excited you have decided to give golf a swing!! Before we begin, know that we are here to introduce many of you for the first time to the game of golf, and maybe help out those who have been playing awhile! Golf takes a lifetime to learn and we want you excited and wanting to learn! This is a great game that you can play with others or just go out by yourself - no team needed. You are competing against others but also against yourself.

For those who aren 't aware of how golf is scored, you are trying to hit the ball into the hole in the shortest amount of strokes/swings. The lowest score is the winner. The main rules of golf will be covered during practices at BMS and at Beaufort Club - we learn as we play! The biggest unwritten rule of golf is that it is a game of etiquette - there are no referees or umpires. You are held responsible for your actions on the course.

Things to know:

  • When we practice at Beaufort Club, you will have to provide transportation to and from the golf course.

  • On the course (not at school) we ask that you dress appropriately. No jeans. Pants or tennis/golf skirts are perfect. All shirts should have a collar, even at practice. No tee shirts. A sweater or sweatshirt is fine as long as the sweatshirt only has the name of something on it (school, university, a place, but not a movie or tv show)

  • You will need to purchase your own balls for when we are on the course. The ladies ' balls at Walmart are just as good as the ones at Dick 's and much cheaper! Practice balls are provided at school and at the driving range of Beaufort Club but you will need your own balls for putting practice at Beaufort Club, when we practice on the greens and of course for matches.

  • You are not required to buy a golf glove (left hand if you 're right handed, right hand if you 're left handed). Gloves do help in controlling your swing but aren't necessary.

  • All courses in the area are allowing us to play for free so please be respectful of others playing there that day. They are paying to play!!

  • On rainy days, we will still hold practice but it will always be here at BMS. I will send out remind texts so please sign up (see attached paper) so you can stay in the know!

  • Whom will play at the matches will be determined not only by scores but by how well the rules of etiquette on the course have been followed and attitude (positive ones go a long way!!).

  • Lastly, we are here to have fun! Come with positive attitudes and know this - you will not swing the first time like those on the PGA!! We 're just learning the game and enjoying it while we do! Plus a little exercise & fresh air!

Again, thank you so much for joining the BMS Girls ' Golf Team! We have a busy schedule packed into a short time! Try to be at as many practices as you can! Also let me know if you will not be able to make a practice. You can text me through the Remind messages or send me an email: [email protected]

 Wear tennis or golf shoes to all practices and matches.

Shirts will be provided and kaki or dark pants are to be worn at all matches.

Girls will need to carry their clubs to all matches.

Practices at Beaufort Club Golf Course (formerly North River Golf Course) - parents need to provide their own transportation to and from. 

For matches & final tournament, parents will have to provide transportation for their child & pick up. Teammates may carpool if there is a note from both set of parents.

Top 6 players will play matches, with the top 4 scores being the ones that count. We will do our best to rotate all players so they have an opportunity to play a match but we are in a county competition for best overall scores.

Please be sure to check the REMIND app for changes & updates along with this page. Don't forget the FACEBOOK page. It is private so you will have to private message me so I can add you but we share pics & videos of the players here, especially for the players that families cannot come out to the matches.


 Tom Kelly

Max Smith

2024-2025 Roster